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모든 플랫폼에서 널리 사용되는 모든 웹 브라우저에는 팝업 차단기가 내장되어 있습니다. 그들은 일반적으로 원치 않는 팝업을 차단할 만큼 똑똑합니다.
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Spreadsheets can contain valuable information like sales records, accounting data, contact information, etc. However, that data is often spread across multiple sheet tabs.
Unfortunately, going through multiple sheet tabs is sometimes counterproductive and can make you forget to update the information. By merging them, you can view specific data from various sheets and add it to a primary tab for better analysis, comparison, and updates.
It’s a function that Google Sheets performs well, with some help.
Merge Tabs in Google Sheets on a PC
Google Sheets might not be as advanced as Excel, but it’s slowly getting there, which is impressive for a cloud-based service. If you want to merge tabs, you have two ways.
First, you can copy-paste entire sheets into one using special pasting parameters to insert the data exactly where you need it.
Secondly, you can use specialized add-ons to streamline the process and eliminate human error. You can use two add-ons for basic and more complex tasks using a PC, Mac, or Chromebook.
Option 1: Use the Merge Sheets Add-On
First, you want to install and enable the Merge Sheets add-on in Google Sheets.
The Merge Sheets add-on only allows you to merge two sheets into one. Another add-on can simplify the process if you want to merge multiple sheets.
Option 2: Use the Combine Sheets Add-On
The Combine Sheets add-on is a more complex tool with added functionality for advanced tasks. Its main advantage is the capability to combine multiple sheets simultaneously instead of two at a time.
Because the process is a bit more complex than with Merge Sheets, you must enable some functions in Google Sheets to display the final table with the combined data.
Fortunately, you’ll get two new tabs after combining the sheets. The first contains instructions for implementing the custom functions, and the second contains the compiled data. Follow the custom instructions and reload the spreadsheet if it takes too long to display the results.
How to Merge Tabs in Google Sheets on an iPad
If you’re using Google Sheets on an iPad, the cloud-based service is more limited than its browser version. You can’t rely on add-ons to merge multiple sheets into one to get a better overall picture of multiple data points. You need to use the manual approach. Here’s how to do it.
This method may take a lot of time when dealing with long tables. However, the “Paste Special” feature has a few perks that make the process less stressful.
How to Merge Tabs in Google Sheets on an iPhone
iPhones don’t have cool add-ons to help you unlock more functions in Google Sheets. That said, merging tabs is still possible if you manually copy cells from one sheet into another.
Here’s how you can do it.
How to Merge Tabs in Google Sheets on an Android
Android devices, including smartphones or tablets, have the same limited mobile functionality in Google Sheets as iOS devices. Granted, it’s enough to review documents, edit data, change formulas, etc.
The process can’t be automated if you want to combine sheets or merge tabs. Instead, you must use a manual approach and copy the cells you wish into a main sheet.
Fortunately, it’s a straightforward process.
Overall, Google Sheets may take a while to unlock other features on mobile devices due to the limited screen space and a minimalist interface. However, a PC, Mac, or Chromebook allows you to access the web-based version of Google Sheets and modify your spreadsheets professionally.
Merging tabs is traditionally done with copy-pasting in the web and mobile versions of Google Sheets, but browser users can use specialized add-ons that make the job much easier and faster.
If you have different thoughts on making merging easier and more accurate, feel free to share them.
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